Canada’s Start-Up Visa Immigration to More than Double This Year

Canada experienced a rebound in immigrant entrepreneurship in October, through the Start-Up Visa Program (SUV), and is set to welcome a total of 1,200 new permanent residents through the program by the end of this year, based on the data from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).

Flag of Canada.

The same has revealed that in October, Canada saw a total of 200 new permanent residents through the SUV, accounting for a 37.9 percent increase compared to 145 permanent residents registered in September, VisaGuide.World reports.

The IRCC has notably increased the planned admissions for permanent residence through the SUV. In the past few years, the annual number was just 1,000, however in 2023, 2024, 2025, and 2026 the number is expected to increase significantly to 3,500, 5,000 and 6,000 more specifically.

By the end of October, authorities in Canada opened their doors to 1,000 residents through the SUV this year, and, if this trend continues, the country is expected to welcome more than 1,200 new permanent residents under the SUV by the end of this year.

The number of those reaching Canada through the SUV program is set to be 108.7 per cent higher compared to last year when 575 new permanent residents arrived.

In the first ten months of this year, the program experienced a 90.5 per cent increase in new permanent residents in comparison to the same period last year.

Ontario as well as British Columbia has been the top choices for immigrant entrepreneurs reaching Canada through this program this year.

Ontario saw a total of 635 new permanent residents through the scheme at the end of the first ten months of this year, while British Columbia welcomed 240 through SUV during the same period.

At the same time, Alberta had received a total of 20 new permanent residents through this scheme by the end of October, marking no change from the previous month, while Manitoba registered 95 immigrant entrepreneurs through this program in the first ten months of this year.

Plans to attract a larger number of internationals were unfolded earlier this year by the government of Canada, while stressing that the plan prioritizes economic growth while also supporting reunification, responding to humanitarian crises, and also recognizing the fast growth in immigration in the past few years.

"Building on the achievement of a 4.4 percent target of French-speaking permanent residents outside Quebec in 2022, the Plan includes new annual and progressively increasing French-speaking permanent resident targets outside Quebec: 6 percent in 2024, 7 percent in 2025 and 8 percent in 2026". 

_Canada’s government

As part of efforts to boost economic growth, authorities in Canada also introduced a plan to ease the process for Canadian employers planning to hire persons from the Philippines.



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